Learning Blender 馃檪
I was following Blender Guru’s tutorial on YouTube and it did not ended with a simple donut, so I decided to carry on anyway to make a full set of scene. The scene contained a donut and a cup of black coffee on two plates, but as you could tell from my cover, I made black tea instead of coffee. Simply because I cannot make the coffee look photorealist enough in render. Whatever, let’s see what I have done since last time.
It was not difficult to model such object in Blender. Also, transparent materials rendered gorgeous,
Look at that water! It was made out of glass! In fact, the tutorial told me to duplicate the inner semi-sphere and cover it with a face to create the water. However, in this render, I used wrong roughness and index of reflection, which added to the weirdness of the whole set.
Some random guy drank some water, well, no, some black tea. The progressive changing of the color was because of the volumetric absorption of the material. In English, such property told the render engine to saturate the color when the light went into a thicker materials.
With magic, black tea became coffee. And some condensation was added near the lip of the cup.
Finally, the donut and the coffee united! Meanwhile, I was a bit tired of the purple, which also in some circumstances, indicated the lack of texture. Then, I could move to the final final part of making the whole scene.
I made a table out of a cube with marble and wood texture. Also, take a notice at my cup. It was having concrete as its content, because I did not have the direction of the normal right. In this scene, there was a piece of glass on the left of the table, and the rest grey part was the color of default void of the Blender.
I flipped the normal. Besides, I added some decoration like the flower bed on the other side of the glass and some wooden floor. The problem was that 1) the glass had a wrong material property, and was not transparent enough, 2) the glass was also floating above the ground, 3) two plates were clipping into the table, but was not obvious, 4) the sun light shot in at a very wrong angle and made the whole scene so dim, and 5) the texture of marble on table was not properly mapped and cannot reflect properly.
I fixed those errors, and introduced some more. The donut looked like plastic because of improper value of the subsurface scattering. I did not fix this in later render, because I did not notice this then. This composition might not be ideal, because such composition was for demonstrating all the model that had made for the scene. However, after some trials, I did not find the most suitable composition for these two major characters. As a result, I paste my trials as follow. And any suggestion is very welcomed.
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